Tuesday, September 29, 2009


"Don't get H1N1!" "Stay away from the dog meat." "Take a lot of pictures." "Don't forget to update your blog!" "Eat as much American food as possible." Most importantly, courtesy of my brother-in-law: "If you see a bunch of people running in one direction, run the other way."

I leave tonight with all these wonderful words of wisdom taken to heart. The importance of these little suggestions shouldn't be taken too lightly, I know. But it's not necessarily the opinions or the thoughts that are important to me; it's the fact that many of you aren't just saying these things in jest or because they are expected, but because you actually care! 

I know, half of you fell out of your seats in hysteria right now, but let's be honest, for the 1/1,000% of you that might actually care what I'll be learning about myself and the world in these next three months--I appreciate it. It motivates me. I guess you could equate it to a lone farmer in the highlands of Africa waking up on a dewy spring morning to find his hen, Loretta, with a record breaking 15 eggs beneath her supple bottom. 

You get the point.

Maybe you don't; either way it doesn't really matter. I set out for the Middle Kingdom at the wee hour of 0140 from LAX to arrive in the capital of the wonderful communist capital of Beijing--Peking for you stubborn folk. Weather will be mild, people will be plentiful. Air will be clean.....er than before the olympics at least. And most importantly, there will be a lot of Chinese language being thrown around. 

Keep track of these updates, I promise they will get more exciting. I have a lot of life-threatening things lined up for your pleasure. I figure it this way, if one of us has to go in order for everyone else to experience some amazing things, I should be the one to do it. Whatever you do, don't mention that little detail to my wonderful mother!

Good night and good luck,

Michael Wurth signing off.